
Job search and career services

Do you need support for your career plans or tips for employment? We help and support you in different situations in working life. Our career services are intended for all members. From the Coaching services portal (UP Partners), you can conveniently book an appointment for personal coaching.

Personal career coaching

Your membership fee includes two coaching sessions each year (á 30 min.) You can choose the subject of the coaching yourself. If you want to discuss your situation with a career coach, book the appointment via Coaching services portal.

The themes of the coaching can be, for example:

  • Supervisory duties
  • Stress management and well-being at work
  • Job search channels, hidden jobs
  • Job search documents (CV, application, LinkedIn profile)
  • Work ability and its importance
  • Career change situations

Member feedback: What worked well in career services?

"The coach knew exactly what I was going through, how to spell my problems, listened to my concerns, and helped me understand the best solution to my situation."

"An excellent opportunity to expand your thinking - to see things in a broader perspective with the help of a good coach."

"I chose my further education based on the ideas given by the Business Coach."

Online Coaching

In the career portal, you can watch free webinars and webinar recordings to develop your skills and support your job search. Whether it's creating a LinkedIn profile, updating a CV or a job application, or an upcoming job interview, you'll find content in the portal to help you develop your own job search skills.

Log in the Coaching services portal:

Membership benefits up to 2 000 euros